Sunday 27 November 2016


With the tears in her eyes she silently stood there on the threshold watching the sun go down the hill. The sky was getting dark but still one or two stars were twinkling with all their might to remove the darkness. She checked her phone again by going through the chat history. It was like a daily ritual for her to check her phone every now & then hoping to feel the warmth of love & care she has been missing since a decade.

The amount of time she has stayed late just for the sake of  getting a revert from her loved ones which ofcourse was in vain, started to reflect in form of bags developing under her eyes. Due to such behaviors she was termed as a lunatic, whore & other unpleasant adjectives coined by her "loved" ones.

Most of her contacts in her contact lists were so self-centered that not a single hello was received as a chat initiated by others.

Today she was mocked by some of the known faces who stated that people like her suffer, get exploited  & are not destined to have anyone in their life. Though she was shattered to hear such heart wrenching curses but with a smile on her face she relied "People like me don't even have a destiny ". 

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