Wednesday 16 November 2016

Attachment or Desire

It's been along time since I have posted a new post. It's just I get drowned in the thoughts so much that I almost used to go to sleep :p Thinking about the same thing over & over again will just exhaust you mentally & physically.

Today after a deep thinking & after going through some good articles I was able to conclude a thing. That thing is whenever we like someone or something we leave a part of us in that thing. That's the reason you keep on thinking about it. And as that old saying goes, Let the thing go free, if it comes back it's yours ( Though someone may say nobody wanted it that's why it came back.....just kidding) 

I have experienced the same in  my life. And the worst part is no matter how much you are surrounded by the crowd, the person whom you barely know will be able to get the clue that something is wrong.

As for now I won't preach much as now I am all calmed down as I was having my favorite snack :p I will be back some other day with a new experience to share with all of you, till then keep smiling :) 

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