Friday 2 December 2016

Gopala : Our beloved Lord

In our house we worship the infant form of Lord Krishna, also known as Bal-Gopal. We affectionately refer him as our baby Gopala ( Gopal means the one who serves the holy cows )

As per the Indian mythology it is believed,Krishna was born to Devaki and her husband, Vasudeva on  earth in the Yadava clan; a prince named Kansa (who was actually an Asura by birth) had wreaked quite a havoc. During his sister Devaki's wedding ceremony, a divine prophecy (loud voice from the sky- Akasha Vani in Samskrutam) prophesied that the 8th son of Kansa's sister Devaki would kill Kansa.
Out of affection for Devaki, Kansa did not kill her outright. He did, however, send his sister and her husband (Vasudeva) and his father King Ugrasen to prison. Lord Vishnu himself later appeared to Devaki and Vasudeva and told them that he himself would be their eighth son and kill Kansa and destroy sin in the world. In the story of Krishna, the deity is the agent of conception and also the offspring. Because of his sympathy for the earth, the almighty lord Vishnu himself descended into the womb of Devaki and was born as her son, Vaasudeva (i.e., Krishna).

Because Kansa was uncertain of which of his 8 nephews would kill him, he brutally murdered all six of the children that Devaki had already given birth to by bashing their heads in ( a horrendeous sin he was comitting). When the 8th child was born, he was the reincarnation of Lord Vishnu, Lord Krishna. Vasudeva secretly carried the infant Krishna out of the prison and exchanged children with Nanda, a kinsman of Vasudeva, for his daughter. This daughter was yog maya, an incarnation of (Durga). She warned Kansa that his death had arrived in his kingdom and then disappeared. Krishna was adopted by Nanda and his wife Yasoda in Gokula

(in present-day Mathura district). Two of his other siblings also survived, Balarama (Devaki's seventh child, miraculously transferred to the womb of Rohini, Vasudeva's first wife) and Subhadra (daughter of Vasudeva and Rohini, born much later than Balarama and Krishna).

That auspicious day is celebrated as  Krishna's every year by Hindus & by the followers scattered world wide on the eighth day (Ashtami) of the Krishna Paksha (dark fortnight) of the month of Shraavana in the Hindu calendar.

Ever since I was a toddler, most of my time was spent in playing with idols of the divine. I have been celebrating Janamasthami for a long time. the first Janamasthami ritual was completed by me when I was 4 years old.

The current idol of our baby Gopala is 5 years old.I have painted his facial features & all the shringar ( decor) of the Lord is done by me everyday. This year too we celebrated his grand day with our family members on the auspicious day known as Janamasthami. I will share some of the pictures clicked by me ( though it's not easy to click often as you are the sole person to arrange the things & also perform the rituals ). In this blog I will just post the pictures of the celebration. This is just an attempt to share my love & care for our beloved Lord with all of you. Keep following & sharing. 

Initial preparation of the auspicious event: The decorated cradle of our baby Gopala & the holy pitcher kept for abhishekam

Vastra, Abhushana, Itra, Chandana : The pearl embedded cloth of the Lord, Jewellery in form of long necklace, earrings, jodhouri-haar , crown adorned with peacock feathers, perfume & Sandalwood paste

There he is: Our baby Gopala all ready for his midnight bath

Nand ke ghar anand bhayo jai kanhaiya laal ki: And after the Maha-Abhishek at midnight, the Lord is adorned with the clothes, ornaments, smeared with sandalwood paste, adorned with scented flowers like rose, jasmine along with his favorite lotus. We offered him delicacies & after singing his praises & offering the arrti we rock the cradle & finish our fast by taking the charanamrita.

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