Friday 10 June 2016

Express, Listen & Care

Nowadays we are addicted to the social applications. So do I. When I login to one of the application I see people posting things which make them happy, sad, angry etc, in short all kinds of emotions.

Even the social media has an option to determine how one feels ( as if we won't get the clue by their post ). Anyways I was going through some of the posts. I like to observe things. Some of the post were related to a particular incident where a person expresses the joy he/she has experienced on an occasion. Some expresses the feeling of betrayal, some were quotes as a short message for a specific person on how they made them feel or so. I observed if someone used to ask them why they are feeling so ( specially in case it's a sad post), the person used to deny that feeling simply stating it's just a "post".
I am not a psychiatrist, but I can clearly conclude through my experience that when a person feel low either they confine the things within themself or at times vent it through a social media, penning it down in a diary etc. The message can be in form of a quote, a short paragraph etc. ( if we talk about the virtual world ).

If I talk about my own experience. yes I have the tendency to sometimes gulp things down & sometimes I am like lets search a quote for that. But not only I express myself I also try to share the message in such a way so that people can relate to it & can overcome the same.
As usual it gets acknowledged by the people who know me & can empathise.You know what helps me to calm down is the feeling that it has been vented out.
But one needs to be careful from being to expressive on the wrong platform . Nowadays we have so many ways to blog/vlog our emotions but one needs to be wise while sharing. We live in a world where the percentage of people who actually "empathise" with your feelings are less as compared to the audience who are available in plenty.
Being expressive is fine but one needs to be wise with whom it's shared. Sometime people might take an advantage of your weakness. I have often heard that one needs to be strong a be determined, which is fine but, an individual who has a kind heart in this cruel world is the bravest of all. Often people judge others & place their verdict by simply stating one can confine it's feeling, there is no room for drama. I beg to differ from them as everyone has the right to express their feelings but it needs to be appropriate, wise & soulful.
When you get the message, understand it, show the interest, involve yourself by responding , neutralise your feeling. Trust me it will make you as well as the messenger happy or satisfied to some extent. 

Deep inside I do feel everyone has the right to express, an ear who listens ( might be a human or the omnipresent Almighty), be loved.
It's really easy to sympathise but quite difficult to walk in their shoes & walk a mile.

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