Thursday 16 June 2016

Ignorance : A Bliss or an Excuse ?

Last two days went in a normal mode. Hence, didn't blogged though was annoyed with one of the creature I know who as usual was displaying his self-centered values. Hence, I was annoyed & it was quite late so just posted a status on one of the social application just to vent out my feelings.
I discussed with some of my near & dears that how can we overcome this feeling of annoyance. How can we manage to overcome our anger, anxiety & all ?

In a very philosophical way  they answered, just IGNORE. Yeah, like it's so easy. At my workplace when someone dear to be used to say something rude I used to feel low. When I discussed the same with my manager, he chose to take the safe path simply asking me to ignore, instead of having a counselling session & getting things sorted with the other person.
I fail to understand what kind of joy a person feels by hurting others, creating obstacles in someone's life, defaming others etc ? 

Rarely, I have seen an individual speaking something good about others. Today I visited a temple, along with me there were couple of more devotees waiting for the ceremony to start. It was like a foundation day of the temple today, hence a small ceremony was organised & a small feast was arranged for the evening. 

As it was a normal weekday the  percentage of devotees were less. Moreover, most of them promised to turn up in the evening for the feast( as usual ). The ceremony was on it's final stage when I suggested we should pray for everyone's well being & prosperity. To my utter surprise a devotee sitting next to me stated, nowadays no one follows it. Why should we be so humble ? I just smiled & ignored the statement & with all my faith on my Almighty I was able to complete the ceremony. Indeed I was relaxed & helped the other members to take the prasadam (  offerings graced by the Almighty, offered by vedic mantras & rituals ).
This is the kind of IGNORANCE I was looking for. It's not like I have got the enlightenment for the same but to an extent was able to implement it.

Ignorance in this case was rightful. I still need to implement the same in my other phases of life. Let's see how easy it will be for me to implement it. Though I try to deal with the situation rather follow the policy of ignorance everytime. As per my conclusion ignorance can be offered to a specific person with whom you don't want to be in touch at any cost. There are certain pricks in your life whom you yourself have to deal by plucking them out & ignoring their behavior towards you. Only the almighty can help them to have a fruitful life. 

One should learn to investigate, be a dealer because ignorance is not a bliss everytime.

If you have face been through the same situation or are facing it, please share with me. 

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